Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Coke Head

Originally uploaded by Adam is...
Picture of the day. This picture didn't have a title so I put one in. I hope Adam is, the photographer doesn't mind.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bass Rock at Dusk II

Picture of the day for July 23. I've decided not to post a pic of the day every day. I will just post one every few days in future.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Giara II

Picture of the day for 19 July

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lazy Eye

Lazy Eye
Originally uploaded by Qualudez
Picture of the day for Saturday 18 July.

MySpace Group

I've now created a MySpace group for the project. You can find it here.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Originally uploaded by markusgpl
Film picture of the day for 17 July 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hamburg Office Building by Hadi Teherani

Picture of the day for 16 July 2009. An excellent night shot.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Film Picture Of The Day

Originally uploaded by fulvue
The first picture of the day

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I've also added a link to Twitter where we now have a presence.

Links to other sections

I've just put links in to the projects Flickr Group and the Facebook group. You will find the links on the right of this page. If you haven't already please go and join these groups to show your support for the project.


In a World with an ever decreasing supply of photographic film and film processing, we should be able to somehow find a way of showing our support for those manufacturers and retailers who still continue to offer these services.

I ask all who enjoy shooting on film to go out on the same day, October 1, and buy a roll (or rolls or sheets for that matter!) of film. I'm sure the sudden spike in film sales would be noticed and the industry will realise there is still quite a considerable sized market for film.

If you don't have a film camera but still appreciate film photography then why not go and get a disposable camera.

It would also be great if as many people as possible were to shoot that same roll and get it processed on that same day.